This is a problem for any site that builds communities or allows for account creation.
It’s not simply that he cataloged his entire Star Wars toy collection, nor that he created a searchable database and ajax interface for the collection–it’s that he created hundreds of unique icons to represent each toy!
Author: Jason Grigsby
links for 2007-09-27
Thursday, October 25, 2007 — 20 slides, 15 seconds each for presenters
Measuring the impact of your javascript
Ugly javascript memory leak in IE
Web development firm focused on mobile content
Describes how to use CSS sprites including code samples
CSS Sprites to Speed Up Sites
One of the topics I covered during my presentation on site speed was CSS sprites. Today, Andy King published a great article explaining the CSS sprite technique in detail. If you are interested in how Yahoo and AOL use this technique or want to incorporate it in your site, Andy’s article is a good place to start.
Great iPhone Development Resources
I’ve been collecting a series of iPhone development articles that may be of interest.
First, Craig Hockenberry has written some great stuff on Furbo.org as well as articles for A List Apart. It seems like it is likely worth subscribing to his Furbo.org site if you are interested in iPhone development. Some of the articles of interest are:
- Benchmarking in Your Pants An exhaustive testing that shows javascript executes 80 times slower on an iPhone and why this would be much faster with a native SDK instead of a Safari-based SDK
- Part I and Part II of his A List Apart series called “Put Your Content in My Pocket.” These articles focus on the basics of building content for iPhones.
- One Line of Code How to make your site look better on an iPhone with only one line of code.
- Hacking Quicker How to speed up ssh and other services to make hacking the iPhone faster
- What the iPhone Specs Don’t Tell You Things like the CPU speed
As you can tell, Craig has a ton of great information. He’s been a one-man iPhone publishing house. Some other good resources are:
- An Easy SSH/SFTP iPhone Installer by Shaun Inman
- Selectively Sync iPhone Bookmarks by Shaun Inman
- iPhoneWebDev: Developers Helping Developers Exactly what the title says
- CSS3 properties test by John Allsopp
- Google iPhoneWebDev Group
- Apple’s iPhone Developer Guides
- Is Your Site Ready for the New Mobile Web Information on how to make wordpress work for mobile devices
Amazon Sees Mobile Web as Opportunity
Amazon recently shut TXTReview out of their e-commerce web services. TXTReview provides book and movie reviews via test messaging on mobile devices.
The interesting thing about this story is the clarification that Amazon gave for why they had stopped allowing TXTReview to use their APIs:
We do limit access by some mobile-focused companies to just that service. Its says in our license agreement for that service that developers must first get permission from Amazon Web Services prior to using Amazon ECS in connection with any handheld, mobile, or mobile phone application (see 5.1.4 here) . The reason is that it’s very early days in the mobile space and Amazon.com is still thinking through how to best serve customers who want to use mobile devices to shop on Amazon.com. At this point, we’re being cautious about exposing our catalog data for use in the mobile space.
So unlike most people who take mobile devices for granted, Amazon believes the mobile space is in its infancy. They see opportunity there and are being cautious to not lock themselves in. They see so much possibility there, that they’ve codified this perspective in their terms of service.
This shows more foresight than most companies have on where technology is going and is further evidence that the mobile web is likely to take off in the near future.
Web ‘not path to close friendships’
A couple of weeks ago, I wrote a post where I theorized that social networks were having an impact on our ability to create and keep in contact with many more acquaintances, but don’t redefine our definition of friendship as some have suggested. A study by Sheffield Hallam University has recently been released that says that, “close friends are unlikely to be made through social networking web sites such as Facebook and MySpace.”
The article on the study points out that social networking sites “may be having less impact on people’s social lives than might be expected.” The research shows that people really only have about 5 close friends—the same number that people had before social networking sites—and that those close friends are met face-to-face.
So social networking is about acquaintances more than friends regardless of how many “friend” request you accept. The thing that surprised me most about the research was that people might have actually expected social networking sites to change the dynamics of close friendships.
links for 2007-09-26
This is nice! Adobe AIR interface for Google Analytics. Speedy, smooth. It really shows off what is possible with Adobe AIR.
links for 2007-09-25
Jared Spool explains the different levels of Amazon login. I’ve seen every type of behavior he describes, but never understood why Amazon was set up that way. His explanation helps a lot and Amazon should take his advice and add explanations to its site.
Group collaboration tool
We’ve had a couple of customers interested in creating their own social networks. I need to take a closer look at Ning.
Study on download time and it’s link to usability
Big news in Europe for OpenID. Orange was everywhere in France when I was over there.
Speed of a Site and Usability
Jared Spool and Christine Perfetti discuss a study on how web page speed impacts usability on their latest Usability Tools Podcast. Because this study conflicts with some of the research that I cited during my recent presentation to DevGroup NW on ways to speed up your site, I was anxious to listen to the podcast and review the research.
Basically, the UIE study found that speed did not have the impact on usability that everyone in the human factors field believed. This conflicts with the research cited in Andy King’s Speed Up Your Site book which found that the speed of systems had a high impact on usability.
Here is a quick summary of the findings:
- The major finding is that the a strong correlation between perceived download time and whether users successfully completed their tasks on a site. In other words, if someone completes their task on a site successfully, they will feel the site was faster than it truly was. If they can’t succeed, they will perceive it as being slower.
- The secondary finding was that the speed of the page had no correlation with whether or not someone would could complete their task successfully. So making a site faster doesn’t necessarily make it easier to use.
- In the podcast, Jared described a Gesalt theory from the 40s that time is perceived as going more slowly when your in pain and more quickly when things are pleasurable. Frustrating websites have the same impact on perception. When the website is enjoyable, you perceive it to be faster.
At some point, I’d like to examine the UIE results and try to reconcile them with the other research that has been done in this area, but given the respect I have for Jared Spool’s work, I’m going to accept the UIE study as definitive.
Here are my thoughts on the study and what it means for those looking to speed up their sites:
- Perception matters more than reality. This was one of my main points of emphasis during the presentation. During the presentation, I focused on how you can build the page to make it seem to load faster. The UIE study says that having a usable site has a big impact on speed perception so looking at the ease of use of the site should be a top priority (if it wasn’t already).
- The study focuses on web pages, not applications. As far as I can tell from the study and the podcast, the study focused on web pages and sites, not web-based applications. I believe one of the reasons that Yahoo has spent so much time focusing on speed is because of they want people to do work—repetitive tasks—in their applications. I propose that people have less tolerance for delays in their applications than they will for web sites they visit.
- Other studies still show speed impacting credibility and shopping cart abandonment rates I can’t believe all of the research on these topics is inaccurate. The latest was from Jupiter Research showing 4 second download thresholds for ecommerce sites.
- The cost-savings for speeding up your site are still worth it. During the podcast, Jared acknowledged that speeding up a site can save money on bandwidth.
- You shouldn’t have to choose between speed and usability. This is the place where I felt the conclusions of the conclusions of the study were off-base. The study says, “what we’re seeing leads us to wonder if it’s worth the resources to make web pages load like lightning.” And during the podcast, Jared gave the example of companies spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to optimize their websites for speed while ignoring core usability issues.
Speeding up your site doesn’t require hundreds of thousands of dollars or lots of resources. That was the main point of my presentation last week. Some of the things that speed up sites the most are brain-dead simple (e.g., turn on gzip and shrink page sizes 70 to 80%). This shouldn’t be an either you spend the money optimizing the site or you send the money on usability testing question.
Those organizations that are spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on speeding up their sites are probably looking in the wrong spots for the speed improvements. They are probably spending their time with expensive efforts to increase their server and database speed while ignoring the reality of Yahoo’s 80/20 Rule that the majority of the savings come from frontend design decisions.
So yes, web sites should be designed to be usable and have utility. These efforts are crucial and deserve priority. But very simple changes—mainly gzip and reducing the number of http requests—can have a huge impact on speed. There is no reason to chose between usability and speed.
links for 2007-09-23
A fairly comprehensive list of services that non-profits should consider.
File input fields are very difficult to style with css and browsers treat them very differently. This shows how to overcome those challenges.
Different levels of internet APIs and platforms
Very cool technique for showing pricing levels and then sign up forms
“Give you the opportunity to “try out” some of the best php/mysql based free and open source software systems in the world. You are welcome to be the administrator of any CMS system here, allowing you to decide which system best suits your needs.”
Such beautiful type. I need to order that Helvetica documentary DVD now.
Why isn’t this part of iSight by default?