I’ve been collecting a series of iPhone development articles that may be of interest.
First, Craig Hockenberry has written some great stuff on Furbo.org as well as articles for A List Apart. It seems like it is likely worth subscribing to his Furbo.org site if you are interested in iPhone development. Some of the articles of interest are:
- Benchmarking in Your Pants An exhaustive testing that shows javascript executes 80 times slower on an iPhone and why this would be much faster with a native SDK instead of a Safari-based SDK
- Part I and Part II of his A List Apart series called “Put Your Content in My Pocket.” These articles focus on the basics of building content for iPhones.
- One Line of Code How to make your site look better on an iPhone with only one line of code.
- Hacking Quicker How to speed up ssh and other services to make hacking the iPhone faster
- What the iPhone Specs Don’t Tell You Things like the CPU speed
As you can tell, Craig has a ton of great information. He’s been a one-man iPhone publishing house. Some other good resources are:
- An Easy SSH/SFTP iPhone Installer by Shaun Inman
- Selectively Sync iPhone Bookmarks by Shaun Inman
- iPhoneWebDev: Developers Helping Developers Exactly what the title says
- CSS3 properties test by John Allsopp
- Google iPhoneWebDev Group
- Apple’s iPhone Developer Guides
- Is Your Site Ready for the New Mobile Web Information on how to make wordpress work for mobile devices