“There is a 20% withholding tax in Japan until the Japanese tax authorities have accepted your tax exemption forms. This can take 90 days or longer. … They were required at the contract setup time in iTunes Connect. If you haven’t completed these and sent them in, you must or you should not have been paid."
links for 2009-01-26
Putting a footer at the bottom of the page no matter the length of the content.
links for 2009-01-25
the survey found 85% of users reporting they were frustrated by the difficulty of getting a new phone up and working.
iphone icon photoshop template
iPhone Photoshop templates
Blogging More at Cloud Four
Since we started Cloud Four, I’ve had a lot of trouble trying to figure out what posts make the most sense here versus our company blog.
Recently, my co-founders have asked me to bring more of my mobile posts to Cloud Four’s blog, and I’ve started doing so.
For example, there are new posts about how the iPhone App Store flies in the face of the preceding technology trends and the iPhone App Store gold rush.
So if you haven’t done so already, please check out the Cloud Four blog and subscribe via RSS or email.
I’m still going to blog here, but the focus will be a bit more technical. The high-level mobile analysis posts will likely be posted at Cloud Four.
And I welcome any feedback you may have on how to distinguish between a personal blog and a company blog.
Update on Android Market Rejection
I wrote previously about the an Android application that had been rejected from the Android Market for inexplicable reasons. The Android Market responded to the developer to tell him that:
Your app was suspended because it seems to be a demo of what one can do with a blog. You may re-upload your app to the “Demo” section of the market as opposed to the “Reference” section.
This is good news. It is unfortunate that the first message stated that the application had been rejected because it didn’t conform to the Android Market policies instead of the real reason for the rejection notice. However, it is nice to have it straightened out and to know that Google appears to be honoring its commitment to an open market.
AdMob iPhone Download Tracking Update
I wrote recently about the new AdMob service that can tie advertising to iPhone App Store downloads. I was curious whether this feature was limited to ads in applications only or would apply to ads viewed in Mobile Safari.
AdMob clarified this via email recently saying, “as our iPhone app download tracking relies on unique user information, it only functions for ads shown within applications.”
links for 2009-01-21
App Theater rounds up on it's website, video previews of iPhone apps from the games category.
Extensive review of the new bolt mobile browser
New mobile browser from Bitstream
The survey found 85% of users reporting they were frustrated by the difficulty of getting a new phone up and working.
links for 2009-01-15
News report of the craziness at the Tennessee House
The Republicans—who had just finally won control of the State House for the first time in 40+ years – were suppose to elect their Speaker of the House today. And failed! Rep. Williams had had enough of bullies and blowhards destroying the Republican Party from within. And the Democrats knew it. So the Democrats approached Rep. Williams about being the new House Speaker. Rep. Williams said, “yes,” and history was made.
links for 2009-01-13
How to hallucinate with ping-pong balls and a radio
links for 2009-01-12
There’s been buzz for the past few weeks of a major increase in the popularity of the iPod Touch. In early December, it popped up as a top seller on Amazon. And many developers I’ve spoken with in recent days say they saw a huge rise in downloads starting on Christmas day, from what they believe are new iPod touch owners.