Resources for OAuth
links for 2008-03-07
NY Times iPhone-optimized elections results page
links for 2008-03-03
Another javascript library.
Allows for the creation of custom fields and the associated input fields
links for 2008-03-02
A small PHP script and some clever URL rewriting designed to speed up the loading of pages that use many or large css and javascript files.
links for 2008-02-29
Makes every link to an external site open in a new window. This is a horrible practice, but sometimes you can’t convince a stakeholder otherwise.
links for 2008-02-26
Nice help desk solution that integrates with harvest
links for 2008-02-25
The CSS Sprite Generator is now available in open source.
This is the fastest global diffusion of any technology in human history — faster even than the polio vaccine.
Very cool optical illusion via @peat
iPhone library
links for 2008-02-24
Reverse engineering Google Maps for Mobile.
Mobile telecommunications data covering 27 countries, and including the market value of mobile content and third party offers available for services such as mobile messaging, mobile internet and mobile payment.
links for 2008-02-22
Interesting real time whiteboarding
Just released as open source: Sidepath is a simple user interface for easily adding .htaccess redirects to a folder on your domain enabling you to give out simple addresses to complex URLs.
Software for sms response marketing. Focuses on non-profits.
links for 2008-02-21
Live blogging software