"Validator S.A.C. (Stand Alone Complex) is a stand-alone, easy to install, version of the W3C's HTML / XHTML Markup Validator for Mac OS X. Validator S.A.C. is a normal Mac OS X application. No installation is required, just put Validator S.A.C. where you need it (hard drive, flash drive, CD-R, etc)."
Google implements feature first suggested in a comic.
Have you ever tried to eject a disk or shared server, only to be told that it could not be ejected because a file was in use on that disk? How annoying. Here is a terminal command that generates a list of all the files open on that specific drive. lsof | grep /Volumes/Workspace
"On the phone it’s better to focus on one task. From what I’ve seen, the best iPhone applications do one thing and do it well. Supporting URL schemes in your application makes that single task more attractive to other developers and users. It leads to what my friend Daniel Jalkut has aptly called the 'Un-Coda-fication' of iPhone apps."
This page lists every application that Apple has killed, along with the reason that they stated for doing so, and what has happened to the app since.
Find devices based on user agent using device atlas
"They have a much grander plan to dominate the mobile device landscape and turn the mobile industry's business model completely upside down."
"Publish all software submitted to Apple, as long as the software isn't actively harmful to users, illegal, and does not violate Apple's agreements with cell phone vendors."
Miami Heat distributes team playbook on iPod Touches