“Some 36% now use their mobile phones as entertainment devices, compared with 24% eight months ago (study conducted Feb. 23 to March 6) – an increase of 50%.”
“Ever notice that no one says stuff like, ‘No one will want to use the web on their mobile phone,’ any more? I have, and I can tell you it’s very refreshing!”
“this season three times more football fans hit ESPN’s mobile site than it did its PC pages”
41.7 percent said they would scan a QR Code and 34.7 percent said they would send a blank e-mail and access the URL in the reply
“The global population expands by three people a second, according to International Data Base, an arm of the U.S. Census. In the same second, 38 wireless devices will be sold.”
On Christmas, traffic to Google from iPhones surged, surpassing incoming traffic from any other type of mobile device.
The mobile video games market is growing faster than the markets for consoles and handheld video games, according to Understanding & Solutions.
Customer defection rates (aka ‘churn’) within the mobile telecoms sector have risen from 33.4% in 2005 to 38.6% in 2007 – an increase of 15.3%
Nokia’s share of the world market for mobile telephones has exceeded 40 per cent
According to Webcredible, a usability and accessibility consultancy, the most requested mobile service people wanted on their data-enabled mobile phones was email.
“It’s the recreation of the Internet, it’s the recreation of the PC story and it is before us—and it is very likely it will happen in the next year.”
“Skyfire browser is set to finally bring PC-like browsing to your Windows Mobile device with crazy speeds and support for all manner of embedded content”
“What we are seeing with mobile in 2008 are the same issues faced back in the late 90’s – how to make money out of a medium that is somewhat restricted (screen size, processing power, available bandwidth etc) – er….haven’t we heard all this before??”
“AOL today announced the Open Mobile Platform, which the company plans to release to developers this summer”
Comprehensive database of mobile device information
Obama’s campaign makes extensive use of SMS
Find the closest wi-fi hot spot in portland. Created by adamd.
“Jonathan Hoefler and Tobias Frere-Jones spoke about the creation of Gotham during our interview for Helvetica, and looking back at their description of what GQ wanted from the font, it sounds surprisingly Obama-esque.”
When the bicycle owner locks up their bicycle they send a text to a security office to trigger the system to guard it. Then if someone then moves, or tries to move the bicycle, a sensor in the lock emits a silent alarm which triggers a CCTV camera to zoom
Expanding mobile networks to the moon
HTTP server installed on Android
Mobile design patterns library
List of resources for blueprint css grid
But by common consensus, the company everyone wanted to meet was not an Operator – It was Apple. Like it or not – Google, Apple, Nokia and others drive the agenda today – and already with the launch of iPhone – the Operator is already a bit pipe. Ther